Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-12-11

  • Christmas Shopping in Orlando was brilliant. Nice to be back in the real world with you guys though. Happy Tuesday. #
  • Is anyone else tired of this Euro Crisis yet? Switch off your TV's and Radios, ignore it. Go and find someone to do business with#eurocrisis #
  • RT @DuncanBannatyne: Hands up everyone who would regret it if Ian Brady had been hung. No one methinks. #
  • Looks lke a great day of Top Gear on Dave and completion of the next book. Happy Saturday. #
  • Eurocrisis . Want my advice? Stop worrying about it, you can't change it. But you can phone some clients instead. #
  • RT @PLNIFA: Eurocrisis . Thanks for the mention Phil. See you finally escaped. They let you take all you want? #
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