Here’s a funny thing.
I’ve started doing things a little differently over the past couple of weeks. Sure I still spend the first hour of each working on the business, making sure the day is focused on what will make the differences.
Sometimes it works out really well and others not so well. That as they say is life.
The differences however have been teaching me something.
A little bit of gratitude for the things I have. Based on a meeting I went to with Richard Wilkins a few years ago. He runs a week long workshop called Broadband Consciousness which is one of the best courses around for winkling out the ‘inner game’.
Part of what he teaches is this whole approach of … if you’re not dead then today must be a good day. Being dead is the very worst it gets.
He also teaches you to be absolutely grateful for what you have, remember this a few times every day and you’ll bring an instant smile to your face and your brain will fill up with hormones to accelerate the feeling good even more.
I’ve also started running again (well I call it that – my kids call it ‘Dad running’ which is just a snails pace over a fast walk). This week I’ve moved from an evening run to a first thing run, out of bed off for 5k.
Couple things.
It’s miserable. Autumnal days, cold and this morning very wet.
The early morning wildlife is amazing and the view of the forest where I run has been fantastic.
Three days in I have today run faster than ever before and had a buzz about me since I returned.
Go try, see how it makes you feel.
PS – need to get your biz off the ground or moving forward get in touch or joint the ninjas.