If you are a Local Tradesman (Plumber, Electrician, Local Builder, Restuarant or similar) we have some great news for you.
As you will now by now, the World has changed with the coming of the Internet or the World Wide Web and most consumers are now using it as the first stop to find information ( and if the 50 plus’s are not yet they will be soon). In simple terms your business will be boosted by having some kind of Internet Presence.
Now as specialists in Small Business Marketing we can offer you a brilliant deal.
Your Own Web Space – with some pages on the Internet which can be used to showcase your work.
Your Own – Email Accounts (for you and your family)
Ownership of your own Domain Name (your address on the Internet).
Inclusion and Updates to your information on all of the Internet Search Engines which means you will be found when a potential client is looking for your services in the Internet.
For you this means an all inclusive, Gold Star Package, that will produce enquiries for you, and we do all of the hard work getting your presence known, because that is what we are good at. The monthly cost of this is a lot less than a Packet of Cigarettes per day, and considerably less than the costs of a Yellow Pages Ad, or even all of the other ‘directory’ Ad’s.
Our business plan is to be the most cost effective medium for Small Business, no long contracts, not happy stop paying. Simple, but effective.