

Why  am I doing this? In a nutshell, I believe that the more  I help you, the more information I give you the more likely you are to succeed not only in business but in life. I am not interested in scamming you (I have nothing to sell), I am not interested in getting you to take action where it does not suit you.

If you are under 25 and are concerned about where you will get the money to buy your first home, this information will help. If you are over 50 and will not be getting the Pension you thought you were going to get then this information will help.

If you are married with young or teenage children and are not spending the quality time with them that you should, or the level of debt are carrying seems to be making life a misery, then this information will help.

But I do want to give a powerful blueprint for change, to make your life a richer more rewarding place to live with stuff that has been proven to work not only in the past but will continue to do so in the future.

Often I have missed the boat and opportunity has moved away from, sometimes I have seized something only to find that is has moved away from me. Has this ever happened to you?

There is nothing that  I will not do to improve my life, 15 years ago I was living in a 2 bed Terraced House in North London, a divorce  just finalising, a heavily pregnant girlfriend,  up to my neck in debt and negative equity and working for Natwest Bank, taking home £750 per month and outgoings of £1100. Not a good situation trust me.

A few years on from this I find myself living in a £400k house in Copthorne, West Sussex, 2 Cars (not paid for, I only ever lease them and can explain if you want). I have taken both of my children to School everyday since they started (the eldest is now 15), my daughter has her own horse  and life could not be better, really!

Now lets not pretend that there were no hard times in between, but it was not difficult either, and it needed a long term strategy which is what  I want to give you over the coming weeks.

Why do I not give it you all now, really simple it’s because you will need time to soak it up and consider how you would make it fit.

But  I absolutely guarantee you this, if you follow the steps, stick with the process you will get the same results as me, it’s like that, ask any business owner about making money (well the successful ones) and they will tell you this ‘it’s the process that defines your profitability’. Woolworths failed because it’s process did not allow it to have a vision of the future, did not consider or think about what it needed to change, what it needed to do differently in a changed world.

Don’t make the same mistake as Woolworth’s and read carefully some of the information I will share with you via email over the next couple of days/weeks.

As always you can contact me directly on 0774 007 6226 or on my landline number 0845 226 9106.

No matter what your skill set, no matter how much you know or don’t know about anything just accept the information  I am going to give you as is, and then decide. It’s how I achieved it, and you could too.






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