In your business, just like mine, increasing sales and sorting your marketing is more like finding a hot date than ever before.
You also know that me asking you ‘to spend the night together’ today is not such a good idea; if I were to ask you today you are more than likely to say no. That said, in the future who knows. That’s how life is, you don’t know me or what I can do, why would you commit now?
That said, in the future who knows. That’s how life is, you don’t know me or what I can do, why would you commit now?
Let me know your biggest business problem now and I’ll solve it for you free AND I guarantee it will be worth at least a grand to you.
That will be our first date.
Finding Your Ideal Clients Is Like Dating.
You need to find a potential sale in everyone you meet – by targeting your marketing and making sure you are sending out the right messages, it should easy to convince them to buy, come on a date and even commit to long term – marriage (eek long term customers are a lot like a marriage).
As the first flurry dies, the hard work starts. Keeping hold of a relationship (customer) takes work or they/you get bored, feel they are being taken for granted or just don’t want to be in love with you anymore. Partners and customers are no different.
Effort is needed, although thankfully this is not as hard as it is finding the love in the first place.
For some reason most british businesses don’t fall in love with their customers – but you should be working a lot closer with them in the same way that you and I should be working closely together.
Well that’s if you decided to start the dating game with me.
Look, you could be having problems with sales, marketing, finances, staff or systems and I know I can help with you all of those. I can even sort out the stinking pile of crap you call a website for you ( I can even get fully functioning e-commerce sites up and running on the same day – great for Pop Ups/Promotions).
Importantly you won’t have to drown kittens or remortgage your house to do so!
If you are having problems with sales, marketing, finances, staff, (or the stinking pile) I can show you how. Quickly and without fuss.
Importantly I get stuff done for you, even in an hour I get oodles done, in fact I have 10 x promise, which means that even if we only speak on the phone – the value will be at least 10 x the cost, either in hard cash or your time. You don’t even have to buy anything.
Here is the pitch.
We can meet, speak on the phone, follow up and get lot done in an hour and with no commitment on either side.
I ain’t no charity though, I understand that there is a dating game to play and more than happy to help another local business where I can. Contact me using the box below, do it today. You’ll be pleased you did.
If you do decide to start a relationship with me – you can pay by the hour – like a one night stand – you pick my brains, but we don’t date further. You pay a simple one-off fee paid by direct debit,
Even better, even if you just want to talk I guarantee your business will be at least a grand better off because of our chat as a minimum – even if you decide not to opt for the hour special where you get a chance to pick my brains and maybe even, get to buy me a coffee.
Sales, marketing, finance marketing, systems and business processing problems can all be solved simply and easily.
Send me an email first, let me know your biggest problem currently and I’ll solve it for you free. Use the form below.
And please there is no need to be shy, we don’t know each other yet but that’s what this dating game is about, finding out if we can really start a relationship – no commitment no fussing. Get a message over to me today, it will be worth it I’m convinced already.
Comments or questions are welcome.