For the last nineteen months I’ve been over the local park every day, it was early evening but is now first thing. Every day, outta bed, into a pair of trainers and over the park I go. I go after the first cup of tea – couldn’t possibly leave the house without one of those.
I only do it Monday to Friday. And have only missed a few days. Rain or shine, frost and snow – not missed many. Sure it’s cold, but it’s not life threateningly cold – it’s often wet but the sunny days are to die for.
It’s done a lot for my overall physical health, more toned and flexible legs about three kilos of weight loss, and about 40% lower blood pressure [yeah really]. Apart from eating slightly less meat I’ve changed nothing else.
It allows me to get some headspace as often (more often than not) there are no others – that said the 6.30 crowd is different to the 8.30 (dog walking crowd). Still the ability to have forty minutes without the phone and to be left with my own thoughts and the winter or summer forest – it’s ever changing. Even the same route changes every day – you just need to lift your eyes above the path.
Some days it’s a fast walk with a reasonable jog in the middle, other days it’s an amble stopping to stroke wet dogs and to talk with some of the characters. Retired business owners, mums out for a run with pushchair, child on board and dogs, a pedantic old git of a retired school teacher – proud of his pedantry and so he should be, one slightly off the wall duck feeder – waiting for a court date on a fraud charge [I do hope it’s a not guilty] . It’s a proper mix of people and scenes. Your local park will be the same.
I started with 5k every morning and dropped it off to 3.8 – 4.2 dependent on the route, it leaves me slightly sweaty and a heartbeat of about 120 which takes around five minutes to slow back to normal.
It’s helped my head game no end, given me ideas for business, travel and content for the website. It also allows me to have conversations with myself, the ones I want to have with others but need to rehearse and think them through – something I can highly recommend.
So when you see the fat bastards, the lardy arses, the grossly overweight – just remember these are the people that are doing something about their problem, trying to solve the situation they are in, not only getting themselves fitter, thinking through the story of their own lives and doing something to make it all better, they know it works.
And you…?
When you’re ready to get a move on with shaking your business or personal life up, when you’ve had enough of the status quo, when your start-up business is slow to start. Get in touch, I’ll give you some pointers.
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