
Jerry Garcia said: “You do not merely want to be considered just the best of the best. You want to be considered the only ones who do what you do.”

If your business is a restuarant or hotel or if your business relies on income from hospitality in full or in part then this page will be important to you.

What is  hospitality marketing that really stands out, that ‘boosts the bottom line?

If you ask me, ‘great marketing’ is about pushing the envelope, engaging your market place and rattling the industry but it’s not  about gimmicks.  Your marketing should be  about getting money in, selling more. This means that ‘stand-out marketing’ is about inventing  methods to  rattle and disrupt the  way similar businesses carry out their marketing. Forcing customers to come to you.

I have included my short presentation on Loyalty Schemes below.

How to start creating some stand-out, disruptive marketing in the hospitality industry? Five questions you must ask.

To improve your whole approach  you need to ask five questions. And this should be  a rapid but mucky  exercise (grab a room with some paper and the main  people in your  business from the kitchen or from front-of-house) of if you would prefer a more methodical manner and incorporate some research.

Ask the following five questions (thanks to RC for these):

1. What really pisses off your customers? A clue: rubbish or poor and  lazy service.

2. Why can’t you sell more stuff? A clue: sloth like  marketing. Another: you look/sound/talk/sell identical to your competitors. Another:  adverts no longer work; word-of-mouth is what matters. Another: shouting louder doesn’t attract attention any more.

3. What is your job from the customer’s point of view? A clue: it is almost certainly NOT what you do. People do not buy what you do; they buy what you do does for them. They buy the afters, what is left after you’ve ‘delivered’. They want a great experience… they want to feel good… they want to feel that they have been looked after….

4. What is the usual way of doing things? A clue: the usual way is almost certainly boring, dull and predictable.

5. What could/should you be doing? A clue: this is where the hard work starts A few more clues might be required here. A few ‘starters for ten’. You could sell on: low price high price no price payment by results You could be the: best slowest fastest first last only… I am sure you get the idea.

When everyone goes zig, you could go zag. After all, why should people bother to buy from you when they can buy from the competition, especially when the competition might well be cheaper or faster or friendlier?

To blindly follow the pack is a mug’s game; in a team of husky dogs pulling a sledge, the only ones with a good view are the ones at the front! What I refer to as stand-out or disruptive marketing is an alternative to the way you do things now. In your heart of hearts you know that you could be doing so much more.

The only reason I introduced a loyalty scheme as one of our portfolio products is because it allows you to:-

1. Fully engage with your customers, to ask them questions that will help you develop products and services for them.

2. To allow you build relationships with them in an easy and techno friendly (automated)way.

3. To help capture every visitor to your website – nearly all first impression are from you site and you need to grab visitors attention quickly. I have one little item that does that perfectly.

Below is the presentation, and when you are ready to discuss the impact one of these schemes could have on your business, contact me using the form below.

make sure your business can find hidden assets and then I work with you to implement the most effective solution to increase sales and profit, using methods of marketing that are statistically and scientifically proven to deliver results, this is combined with a secure money back guarantee – if you don’t get the results I will work for free until you do.

Get in touch. Here is the link 
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