My small business support and lead package starts at £100 per month.
It comes with a very short and simple 10x guarantee. I guarantee that the work I do with you will be worth at least 10x the figure you pay me.
No catches, no ifs or buts.
Online, offline and unlimited telephone support and guidance. Covering sales, marketing and new business generation. For a start up business this is just £100 per month – and it comes with a 10 x guarantee. Every time you spend £100 it’s going to be worth at least a grand to you.
You also get a fully optimised and Google indexed website, along with a number of email and marketing tools built into the backend so you can start to build a business that will really work, and of course I guarantee it.
You can join now via Direct Debit (I use GoCardless as this protects you and I).
GoCardless are also used by these businesses = safe.