Busy IFA’s always tell us they are much to busy to do any marketing, let alone take on new technology. So being the inventive types were are. Here is your “in a box solution”.
This Is The Only Solution On Offer That Is Dedicated To Financial Advisers and will put You ahead of all local firms. The simple reason is this, no known IFA firms are currently doing this.
A short presentation is below – grab yourself a Chocolate Hobnob and a Cup of Darjeeling (or similar).
So I thought that an Automated- Done For Your System with a Money Back Guarantee Might Be Something You Would Consider.
So do any of these apply to your business?
- Your forgotten customers, they are still waiting for your contact
- Do you wonder how it is possible to update, inform and educate your customers without moving from your desk
- Do you get concerned that if you are not marketing (informing) your client who IS?
- Do you worry that you are not maintaining or building relationships with new potential customers
- Are you currently paying for leads, that in all honesty are not that great for your business?
- Can you immediately provide an update to all of your clients/potential clients/possible clients/awkward clients at the touch of a button?
- Can you build a list of clients and use email to market to them with your current systems?
- Are you using Social Media to inform and build relationships with your existing and potential customers.
- Did you know that by using Text Messages you can improve your success rate (make more money) by 700%? Which is why we set a service up for you.
As an estimate I think all of them apply.
You are aware I am sure that the world has changed in recent years, sales processes are not what they were.
Building a Sales Funnel is now the only way to grow your business with any consistency, and without spending thousands on marketing.
A modern Financcial Advisory Practice has to take on board the simple facts below.
- People no longer want to be sold to. They want information.
- Your Customers no longer want contact. They want a relationship.
- Old methods of selling no longer work. And are of course spotted by your client before you start.
- Modern Methods of Communication and Relationship Building are all around just look for yourself, the Internet. Facebook, Twitter and many many more.
- Networking Meetings make more money for the Organisers than the Attendee’s. ( You knew this didn’t you).
- It is now possible to have client meetings without leaving your desk (bonus module).
Look at what IFA’s have been saying about our recent work.
“bloody amazing, from one simple email I have managed to do 3 remortgages” Laurence Gould IFA
” in only 3 weeks I have found my site at the top of the search engines and have 2 solid enquires thank you.” FS-Web.co.uk (Part of a National IFA)
“Just being able to carry out a formal review over the telephone using your recommended software has blown me away, at least a 1000 miles per month less driving for me now”
Money Back Guarantee
Our Unconditional, No-Questions-Asked 100% Money-Back Guarantee: If for any reason you are unsatisfied with our work a FULL REFUND IS ASSURED.
There is another guarantee and this is guaranteed to make you Money. If the buzz around your business that will be created does not result in increased business to at least cover at least double the cost of our products and services over the next 12 months we will write you a cheque for this amount. No questions asked.
So what are your going to get for your money.
- An automated P R / Marketing System for your existing clients and potential new clients. This will allow you unlimited contact up with them, and provide timely and updated information. Done for you!
- An import of your Data so it can get to work immediately. Done for you!
- A automated SMS marketing Package (a separate charge is made per message sent). Done for you!
- A guaranteed Google listing for your business. Done for you!
- A new Facebook Fan Page for your business and content. Done for you!
- A new Twitter Account with followers and content. Done for you!
- A Blog set up for your business focusing on your chosen area of expertise! Done for you!
- A You Tube Channel set up for your business with one 5 minute Video on your chosen subject. Done for you!
- A range of tools and support materials in order for you to continue using the tools we will put in place. Provided FREE
- Monthly emails outlining how you can grow your business using the new technology that is coming. Provided FREE
- Access to me and or the team in relation to Website/Ecommerce/ Marketing questions answered Provided FREE
I know that you are wondering about the cost of this package, remember it comes with a complete Money Back Guarantee, and provides a complete and up to date package for Independent Financial Advisers and puts you in a Win ONLY position.
The usual cost of this package is as follows.
PR/Contact Generator £150 set up
PR/Contacy Generation (20 ) £100
Hosting £40 per year ( this is covered for the first 12 months).
Google Listing £75
Facebook Fan Page £100
Twitter Account Setup £50
Twitter Content £100
Blog for your Business £200 set up.
You Tube Account Setup £50
Your Tube Video Promoting Your Business £75
Manuals and Marketing Information Updates £200 pa
The total cost of this package normally is £1140
For the first 4 that purchase the cost will be £450 (all sold) and remember this comes with a guaranteed profit as outlined below.
I guarantee you that you will do more business using this range of state or the art systems or M O R E than your money back.
Call me today before they all go 0774 007 6226.
Richard Smith