My updated 2020 report for small business owners is below, there is no charge for it, no cost to you.
Even before this virus hit, there were all kinds of problem with retail business and the conventional high street was under pressure. Now I don’t have all the answers, nor may not have a solution for you.
But, this report covers much of what you need to know and provides some answers and a way forward. There is nothing to buy in this. It’s on me.
Working with me, brings you a whole load of options. Together we can sort your existing communications – and that’s not posting a gazillion times a day on social media or messing about on tik-tok.
We can sort out your online offer, your email and web marketing, we can work on joint ventures, we can focus on offline. Sort out how to get your old customers coming back, sort click and collect (very lockdown friendly).
Your options are almost endless. But, if you decide to do nothing except moan and accept the position you are in – then that’s it. Over- no more. Go find a job.
That said, if you want to consider your options – get in touch for a triage sesh..
No charge.
The download is here DOWNLOAD THE REPORT – 2020 Business
Once you read it get in touch and we can talk about how to move you forward.