2020 Business.

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Ten years ago the world just didn’t have what is on offer now.

If I was selling anything ten years ago then, this is the article I would have wanted to read then.

If you want more sales, a better position online, and technology that allows you to be there even when you are not.

If you are remotely concerned that ‘doing business’ from now on is going to be different in this post covid world. Then this...

Of course we both have the benefit of hindsight because we know what’s happened – but if I had today’s online tools t ten years ago my business would be very different.

I could have spent more time with my kids, spent more time doing other stuff instead of fretting about what or where this was going to end…

Ten years ago I would have loved to have a set of tools to…

  • Collect email address and send emails.
  • To use social platforms to advertise
  • To automate offers and deals
  • To collect reviews and referral business
  • To make sales when the shop was closed
  • To convince Google to send me more

If you read this ten years ago and you did something about it – you would now have a hidden audience on Facebook and Instagram (remarketing). You would have had a very ‘search friendly’ profile on Google and had your own email list and postal list of loyal customers along with and the ability to message them when you wanted.

If you did this ten years ago you could have easily adapted to the changing market conditions – like our post Covid world, where click and collect are the norm and delivery is not an option – it’s a must.

You would have the option to switch easily from SMS to Whatsapp without pain for your customer communications. And dropped any social platform into the mix at a moments notice – meaning whatever changes arrived. You’d be able to cope.

You would have the application that now sends post electronically – email.

All of these things are just the start. These are the basis for some of the most successful business on the planet today and they have been doing all of this for at least eight years.

In order to evidence that this stuff is working for my clients the see below.

Sales up, reviews up. What I do actually works to raise the profile of a business and to actually increase sales.

So here is the deal.

I assume you are a Micro Business doing less than £1m in sales?


Relying on a local market for your main source of sales?


Are sick of the crap you are constantly being told?

If so, perfect – we’ll fit together.

Here is what’s working.

Digital Marketing is working – have you not noticed the number of ads on Facebook of late? Do you think these are there because they are not working?

At the moment our UK consumer market is all online. It’s looking to make new buying decisions online, it’s looking to get all of it’s information online. It doesn’t want to wear a mask, it doesn’t want to pay for parking. It’s realised there has to be another way.

More than ten years ago I started to develop on line systems for financial services professionals and service industry people. Shortly after I moved to product sellers and created online shops and marketing tools that are now the minimum standard – websites are not just about an online business card, they should be your center of operations – the place where your customers go to find out more, to interact.

And the problem you face, as a business owner – that thing you have, the website you spent ‘princes purse’ having made – just ain’t fit for purpose.

With that in mind. I’ve bundled up a small biz product. It comes with a money back guarantee – I want you to be happy with what I do. If you’re not then neither me or you win – we don’t get what we want.

I know it’s a cliche – but it’s how I roll – you get a win win by working with me and I guarantee to work for nothing if I fail.

Do This – Get A Result

If you fit the criteria….

  • Micro Business doing less than £1m in sales?
  • Relying on a local market for your main source of sales?
  • Are sick of the crap you are constantly being told about sales and online

Use the form below, send me your details, inc your current website address. Give me your mobile number for sms or Whatsapp and I’ll arrange to call you back at a confirmed time. We’ll take fifteen minutes to walk you through how I can help.

When we speak I’ll talk to you about a couple of things.

  1. Local ads – why they work.
  2. Sex on a first date – why that’s bad.
  3. How to cap costs.
  4. How to test
  5. How to tweak
  6. How to build a list of potential customers in two places with my Ninja Trick and use a website to engage with them.
  7. My Ninja Trick (s) two things to make your sales rock!

Those points alone are worth more than 15 minutes of your time. (My normal rate for a Borrow My Brain session is £329) At the moment I have an offer of setting your online campaigns up free of charge (normally day rate of £200) – this is because I want my team to learn how to do these quickly.

Form is below.

Do it now. Use the form. The sooner we speak, the sooner this stuff can be working for you.

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